Arya Nursing School in Guwahati, Assam provides Diploma Courses in General Nursing Midwifery (GNM) & Auxiliary Nursing Midwife (ANM). The GNM & ANM nurses in the North east region are very less in numbers. With the rising population in the region & upcoming growth of health services both in Govt. & private sectors, the demand for nursing is increasing daily. Our aim is to meet this demand, at least to a certain extend.

Aim of Arya School of Nursing

  • To pertain professional education to students with knowledge of preventive & health programmes , enabling them to spread & apply the same.
  • To prepare a qualified general nurse who will function as a member of health team. Beginning with consultancy for first level position in both hospital & community health services especially in rural areas.
  • To develop an alternative yet demanding career opportunity and thereby reducing the unemployment percentage among educated youth.
  • To make them aware about the meaning of HEALTH and thus to provide the acquired knowledge and skills for upliftment of the society around them.